——What were the points you wanted to express in this cosplay, and what were the points you were careful about?

lili:I'm fundamentally not very good at making costumes... but I still try to make them carefully.

Before I start making them, I review the anime and gather information, decide on the fabric and make a pattern. When I thought about Dorothy standing next to Roger, I thought a material like the one used in suits would fit better, so I chose it. I also try to pay attention to the character's background and settings.

When I actually saw the photos from WonFes, there were so many points for reflection... I found places where I thought, "If I did this here...". I hope to improve these points by the next time I wear it.

The white part of Dorothy's sleeve cuff finally took a satisfactory shape on the sixth try. I think it's a process of trial and error, so I want to keep making it as much as possible, even if I'm not very good at it.

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